Parents are saying that the subject of getting the square and square roots of numbers are very difficult tasks for grade school children to understand. What more if it is in large values? Not anymore. INTRODUCING, SQUARE EDGING - the fun, easy way of learning the methods of getting the square roots of numbers that children will enjoy to work with.
Friday, August 13, 2010
SE Telegram
After you become familiar with the basic rules and procedures of Square Edging, you can use the SE Telegram, to ease up the computation. It is a combination of doing some parts mentally and writing some other parts directly without the formal representations, such as the use of square sign, equal sign and omitting some letters and others, not so important.
Step 1: Determine first, the two IPS (initial possible square roots). There is no need to write down the middle letters M and N
*At Left Column, 1st Row
... 6 ......... 3
... 6 ......... 7
Step 2: Create a modified P CHK.
1) On the first line, write down the notation “ P: ” followed by the first 4 digits of the given problem.
2) On the second line, write down the middle numbers, separated by a colon “ : ” and no square sign. On its right side, draw an arrow, either an up ↑ or down ↓ arrow, based on the following conditions:
Condition 1: If P is less than the middle square value, draw a down ↓ arrow
Condition 2: If P is greater than the middle square value, draw an up ↑ arrow
3)On the third line, write down M, followed by an either a 5↑ or a 4↓, based on the following conditions:
Condition 4: If the arrow on the second line is ↑, write down 5↑, then on its right side, write the notation /_ 750/
Condition 5: If the arrow on the second line is ↓, write down 4↓, then on its right side, write the notation /_ 250/
*At Right Column, 1st Row
.....P: 38’77
. 65 : 42’25 ↓
....M :4↓ / 6250/
Step 3: Start computing the SE data.
Let’s begin with 6MN3
1) Looking for the ‘N’ digits
* At Left Column, 2nd Row
N3 : 09
....... 2 ... ← (take note, the 2 here is thesecond to the last digit of the given problem)
The letter N is included because we’re looking for that missing digit. Leave the second line blank and ask your self this question:
Q: What number needed to add to 0 to have a sum of 2?
Write down on the second line “ Nx6 ” (6 is the double value of 3), followed by a colon :, then the answer “2”. On their right, decide which “pair of multiplicands” is the correct combination:
..... N3 : 09
... Nx6 : 2 . ..... 2, 7
............. 2
2) Looking for the M digits
Since we’re doing some parts mentally, directly write down the two combinations from the digits we gathered:
* At Left Column, 3rd Row
..... 23 : 4’09
... 2x6 : 1’2 .
............ 5’29
. Mx6 :(Blank)
............ 5 ← (this is the third to the last digit of the given problem)
Leaving some space in the second line blank, give you time to think first of what digit to write, by looking for a number needed to add to come up with the correct sum
..... 23 : 4’09
... 2x6 : 1’2 .
............ 5’29
. Mx6 : 0 . ... 0, 5
............ 5
Underline the 0 since in P Chk,4↓ indicates that the digits for M is 4 below.
Write down on the sixth line, the first complete digits of the first possible square root
Helpful Tip: Write down first 0, then 23 and then look for the first digit 6, so you would not be confused in writing down 6023
Do the Same procedures for the combination 73
* At Left Column, 4th Row
..... 73 : 49’09
... 7x6 :4’2 .
............ 3’29
. Mx6 : 2 . ... 2, 7
............ 5
On the right column, below the P- Chk, do the same procedures starting from Step 3, to complete the data for the second IPS ( 6MN7)
*At Right Column, 2nd Row
..... N7 : 49
... Nx4 : 8 . ..... 2, 7
............. 2
*At Right Column, 3rd Row
....... 27 : 4’49
... 2x14 : 2’8 .
.............. 7’29
... Mx4 : 8 . ... 2, 7
.............. 5
*At Right Column, 4th Row
....... 77 : 49’49
..... 7x14 : 9’8 .
................ 9’29
..... Mx4 : 6 . ... 4, 9
................ 5
Step 4: Arrange the 4 possible square roots from the lowest value to the highest by inserting the letters A, B, C, D on their right sides to avoid writing them again.
A - the lowest possible square root
B - 2nd to the lowest
C - 2nd to the highest
D – the highest of all
At Left Column ..... At Right Column
...... 6023 (A) ....................6227 (B)
...... 6273 (C) ..................... 6477 (D)
Step 5: Use the Square Root locator to determine which of the 4 possible square roots will remain
36’00 .
78’25 / 2
Leave the second line (M) blank. Add 42’25 (H) and 36’00 (L).
We come up with a sum of 78’25. Divide by 2
Doing it mentally, always subtract the quotient by 6.
* At Left Column, 5th Row
39’06 \ ↓(Using this middle value as reference, the P: 38’77 is lesser than)
36’00 /
78’25 / 2
The ↓ arrow indicates that the two higher values (C and D) are eliminated. A and B remained
Step 6: Use the 2nd Square Root Locator to determine which of the two remaining possible square roots, is the true square root of 38,775,529
Complete the data and determine where P is located
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